Friday, May 15, 2009


Using Eco-Friendly Home Lighting to Sell Your Home

If you're in the process of getting your home ready for market, chances are you're neck-deep in home improvement projects to make your place look as appealing as possible. As stressful as this time might be, you realize that the nicer your home looks the more likely you are to close. One area that you should not skimp on is home lighting.

Good lighting has the ability to accentuate the best parts of your home while drawing attention away from the places that might need a little work. While you don't want to intentionally mislead prospective home buyers, good lighting could potentially buy you some time if some of your home improvement projects are running behind schedule.

When choosing lighting to install in your home, why not consider an eco-friendly option? In tough economic times like we're seeing today, anything that saves money is a Godsend. Eco-friendly lighting has the ability to cut energy costs without sacrificing on style in the slightest. Available in both outdoor and indoor options, going green has never been easier.

Eco-Friendly Outdoor Lighting

While you might not be showing your home at night, having adequate outdoor lighting is absolutely necessary. Not only will the presence of outdoor lighting increase a prospective buyer's sense of security but it has aesthetic value as well. As far as eco-friendly options go, look for Energy Star qualified fixtures and save big. Offering everything from fluorescent wall lanterns, post lanterns and illuminating address lights, to solar LED path lighting and deck lighting - your eco-friendly outdoor lighting options are endless.

Eco-Friendly Indoor Lighting

Consider switching out your incandescent bulbs for eco-friendly compact fluorescent bulbs. Producing a better quality light, CFLs will save about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months. CFLs also use 75% less energy and lasts 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. There's also a vast array of Energy Star qualified indoor light fixtures for you to choose from. Also, don't underestimate the power of natural light. Remove any heavy drapery that you have up and let there be light.

You'll be surprised at the difference that adequate home lighting makes on your home's overall look and feel.

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